Ballet at Ailey Extension Photo by Whitney Browne



A form of dance dating back to Renaissance Italy, ballet technique has been adapted and finessed over centuries. Ballet technique is designed to develop symmetry, balance, flexibility, strength, the graceful carriage of the arms, intricate footwork, an elongated and centered midline, and virtuosity in pirouettes and jumps.

Classes begin at the barre to warm up the body before moving to the centre and across the floor for exercises that further what students learn at the barre such as adagio, petit allegro, grand allegro, and more. Learn the basics or perfect your technique in a variety of levels. Please note that absolute beginner and some beginner-level ballet classes spend most, if not all, time at the barre.

Our classes are defined by the following so you can determine which level is best for you.

  • Absolute Beginner (ABS BEG): for students with little to no prior experience or knowledge of the technique. 
  • Beginner (BEG): for students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals and foundations of the technique. 
  • Advanced Beginner (ADV BEG): for students with prior experience and a more comprehensive understanding of the technique and vocabulary. 
  • Intermediate/Advanced (INT/ADV): for students with extensive training and an expansive knowledge of the technique and its proper alignment. 
  • Open: for students of any level. 


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