The Ailey School Instructor - Ballet

Ailey Extension Instructor - Ballet

Dawn Hillen

A headshot for Dawn Hillen

Master ballet teacher Dawn Hillen's expert, gentle, and fun approach to training dancers of all levels and ages makes her classes unique in ballet today. With her appealing imagery, understanding of how to overcome technical difficulties, and flowing combinations at the barre and centre, Ms. Hillen offers a class that appeals to both the serious student and to novice dancers. Her supportive approach is rooted in her own experience watching her mother study ballet. "My mother and I became ballet dancers together! I was 9 years old, she was 31 and we went to classes together! The school we attended had a professional company- we trained hard and eventually we toured with that company throughout the Pacific Northwest performing The Nutcracker. I know firsthand what it is for an adult and a youth to realize the dream of becoming a ballet dancer. This gives me a different perspective than most dance teachers- I believe adults as well as children can do it well because I have seen it done!"

Dawn has been on the permanent faculties of some of the largest dance studios in NYC: Broadway Dance Center, Professional Performing Arts School at Alvin Ailey, Alvin Ailey Jr. Division, Ailey Extension, Steps on Broadway, and Ballet Arts for more than 30 years. She has taught master classes and choreographic workshops across the country. She has performed leading roles with dance companies across the United States and in Europe, as has performed on the theatrical Stage and in independent films. She more recently appeared in "The Table of Silence" at Lincoln Center in NYC, a September 11th annual event for peace (Buglisi Dance).

Ms. Hillen has been resident choreographer for American Theater Dance Workshop, Wilkes-Barre Ballet Theater and school, as well as a guest choreographer for the Eglevsky Ballet School, the University of Idaho Concert Series, and others. She has also been invited to show works in faculty showcases for BDC, Steps, Ailey Extension, Ballet Arts and at the 92nd Street Y here in NYC. In 2013 she choreographed, directed, costumed, and produced a new full length ballet “The Stone Circle” at City Center/Ballet Arts with a newly commissioned score and 28 dancers.

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