3 students in various yoga attire on mats in a lunge with one arm up





  • In-Studio New Students $20
  • In-Studio Single Class Card $25
  • In-Studio 3 Class Card $70
  • In-Studio 5 Class Card $115
  • In-Studio 10 Class Card $220

Vinyasa yoga is characterized by stringing together different postures to create a flow from one move to the other focusing on breathwork. This class will focus on the essential principles of breath and alignment while increasing core strength, practicing stability, and gaining functional flexibility.

Our classes are defined by the following so you can determine which level is best for you.

  • Absolute Beginner (ABS BEG): for students with little to no prior experience or knowledge of the technique. 
  • Beginner (BEG): for students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals and foundations of the technique. 
  • Advanced Beginner (ADV BEG): for students with prior experience and a more comprehensive understanding of the technique and vocabulary. 
  • Intermediate/Advanced (INT/ADV): for students with extensive training and an expansive knowledge of the technique and its proper alignment. 
  • Open: for students of any level. 

Upcoming Classes