Afro-Cuban with La Mora at Ailey Extension Photo by Whitney Browne




  • In-Studio Single Class $25
  • New Student 2-Class Package $38

Afro-Cuban Folkloric

Explore the various forms of the Afro-Cuban dance tradition while practicing different movements representing the Orisahas (deities from the African traditions brought to Cuba). In this class, students delve into the dance’s history and the cultural importance behind each movement. Based on each dancer’s skill, knowledge, and experience, the class allows participants to embrace an accessible path to understanding dance through the quality of movement and cultural context.

Afro-Cuban Modern

Afro-Cuban modern dance is a dynamic fusion of North American modern dance techniques—including Graham, Limón, and Taylor—with Afro-Cuban technique and rhythm. The class consists of a warm-up with a focus on breathing and undulation before moving across the floor and finishing with a combination. The unique movements and rhythms introduced in class will require dancers to think more intently about space, time, and musicality. The purpose of this class is to introduce dancers to a new, rarely seen form of modern dance, and provide them with an avenue for self-expression.

Our classes are defined by the following so you can determine which level is best for you.

  • Absolute Beginner (ABS BEG): for students with little to no prior experience or knowledge of the technique. 
  • Beginner (BEG): for students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals and foundations of the technique. 
  • Advanced Beginner (ADV BEG): for students with prior experience and a more comprehensive understanding of the technique and vocabulary. 
  • Intermediate/Advanced (INT/ADV): for students with extensive training and an expansive knowledge of the technique and its proper alignment. 
  • Open: for students of any level.

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