Marcus Williams and Christopher R. Wilson in Touch & Agree Kyle Froman
Ailey II in Touch & Agree Kyle Froman
Yazzmeen Laidler in Touch & Agree Kyle Froman
“You Send Me” written and performed by Sam Cooke from the album Portrait of a Legend, published by ABKCO Music &Records, Inc. and Sony Music Entertainment. Untitled original composition by Juel D. Lane, performed by percussionist Munir Zakee, mastered by Reggie Croslan. “I’ll Stay” by James Blake from the album CMYK EP, published by Universal Music Publishing Group (UK), Polygram International Publishing Inc. “Focus” written by Daryl Camper, Justin Love, and Gabi Wilson, performed by H.E.R. from the album H.E.R. Volume 1, used by permission of Campstar Music, EMI April Music Inc. “Legendary Children” performed by Byrell The Great from the album Qweendom, published by Qween Beats, LLC.
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