National AileyCamp Deputy Director

Torens Johnson

A black man with no hair, stands sideways with hands clasped in front of him.
Torens Johnson, AileyCamp National Deputy Director Photo by Danica Paulos

Torens L. Johnson (San Marcos, TX) completed the dance certificate program at The Ailey School and performed nationally and internationally with Ailey II. Mr. Johnson received his BFA from Towson University and served as a dance educator for Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Pasco Academy High School, Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, and Friends School of Baltimore. He taught dance at AileyCamp for many years, and in 2021 he became the AileyCamp National Deputy Director. He has worked as a freelance educator and choreographer for Anne Arundel Community College, George Mason University, Morgan State University, and numerous educational institutions. His performing credits include ClancyWorks Dance Company, Stephanie Powell DansEnsemble, Edgeworks Dance Theater, Tony Powell Music & Movement, and Wylliams/Henry Dance Theater. In 2020, Mr. Johnson completed his MFA at Wilson College, and he currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Dance at Texas State University.

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