Jazz Department


Hollie Wright

A headshot of Hollie Gray

A Philadelphia native, Miss Wright began her career at The Philadelphia Dance Company (Philadanco!). Going through the ranks, Miss Wright joined the training program while in high school, was selected to join Danco II, and after 2 seasons, left and finished her Bachelor’s in Dance Education. A week to the day of graduation she had her first performance with Philadanco. She has worked with and performed work by numerous choreographers during her time at Philadanco including Elisa Monte, Ron Brown, George Faison, and Talley Beatty to name a few. Upon leaving Philadanco, Miss Wright enjoyed her Broadway debut in Maurice Hines’ Hot Feet as a featured member in the ensemble and doing the leading role before the show closed. Miss Wright has gone on to perform in a number of shows including The Color Purple and Sophisticated Ladies. Miss Wright has done some television and film work including Beloved, The Great Observer, A Bridezilla Promo, and a podcast go project. With her Bachelor’s in Education, Miss Wright found time to teach while dancing at Philadanco. Miss Wright has been a lecturer at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Miss Wright has also taught and choreographed stateside and abroad. While in New York, Miss Wright has choreographed for Universoul Circus, a commercial for Party City, and a production of Dreamgirls. Currently Miss Wright is on faculty at The Ailey School teaching in the Professional Division.