A bunch of students in all white outfits doing Capoeira in a studio





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  • In-Studio Single Class Card $25
  • In-Studio 3 Class Card $70
  • In-Studio 5 Class Card $115
  • In-Studio 10 Class Card $220

Capoeira (pronounced ka-poo-eyh-da) is an Afro-Brazilian martial art form that incorporates acrobatics, dance, and music in a rhythmic dialogue of body, mind, and spirit. Capoeira is a communal game in which two opponents play each other inside the roda (a circle), formed by the other players who create a rhythm for the game by clapping, singing, and playing the berimbaus (Afro-Brazilian traditional instruments—considered the soul of Capoeira). The two opponents compete with each other using the Capoeira technique, camouflaging the self-defense kicks and moves with playful acrobatics and dance-like movements, spontaneously creating a strategy to fool their partner and catch them off guard.

Our classes are defined by the following so you can determine which level is best for you.

  • Absolute Beginner (ABS BEG): for students with little to no prior experience or knowledge of the technique. 
  • Beginner (BEG): for students with a basic understanding of the fundamentals and foundations of the technique. 
  • Advanced Beginner (ADV BEG): for students with prior experience and a more comprehensive understanding of the technique and vocabulary. 
  • Intermediate/Advanced (INT/ADV): for students with extensive training and an expansive knowledge of the technique and its proper alignment. 
  • Open: for students of any level. 

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