Martell Ruffin, Kyle H. Martin, and Adrien Picaut in Road to One Kyle Froman
Martell Ruffin, Kyle H. Martin, and Adrien Picaut in Road to One Kyle Froman
Adrien Picaut, Kyle H. Martin, and Martell Ruffin in Road to One Kyle Froman
“Dance: 1. First Movement” by Oliver Davis from the album Oliver Davis: Dance, by arrangement with G. Schirmer, Inc. publisher and copyright owner. “Beyoncé” by Spark, composed by Chiel Meijering, from the album Wild Territories, copyright © by Dunemus Publishing, The Netherlands. “Etude No. 3,” music by Kenji Bunch, performed by Monica Ohuchi, from the album Monica’s Notebook, by arrangement with Kenji Bunch Music Publishing, Bill Holab Music: Sole Agent. Symphony No. 2 “Under the Trees’ Voices”: Ill Scherzo, Pines and Flowers — Live by Ezio Bosso from the album Symphony No. 2 “Under the Trees’ Voices” (Live), by arrangement with United Agents, publisher and copyright owner.
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